FTEC 5032 - Optimization Theory

  Section Instructor No. of Students Date Time Venue Remarks
L01ZUO, Ruiting2912-Dec-202401:00PM - 04:00PMRm 122, E1

SOCH 6780 - Professional Development in Innovation, Technology, and Social Responsibility

  Section Instructor No. of Students Date Time Venue Remarks
T01ZUO, Ruiting25---No Final Exam
T02KAN, Ge Lin18---No Final Exam
T03SHIN, Jihoon37---No Final Exam

UCUG 1000 - Cognitive Foundations of University Education: Critical Thinking and Data Literacy

  Section Instructor No. of Students Date Time Venue Remarks
L01HOU, Yun
LI, Ran
XIONG, Wanru
YU, Liuqian
ZHANG, Xuning
ZUO, Ruiting
320---No Final Exam
  Amendments made since the announcement of the Final Examination Schedule on 07-Nov-2024, if any, are indicated by #